For Customers Outside Japan

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To achieve product-making with Japanese quality,we provide all-out support from Japan.

Tono Machine Tool Co., Ltd. is a trading company dealing in machine tools, launched in the city of Mizunami, Gifu Prefecture, Japan in 1984. The products we handle are the cutting tools, power-transmission equipment, energy-efficient equipment, and machining centers needed at manufacturing sites.

We leverage our knowledge concerning a diverse range of products and our rich store of experience in addressing the needs of a large number of customers to propose the ideal products to you.

But we don’t just provide products. For problems such as mechanical trouble or loss of accuracy, we marshal our accumulated expertise going back 30 years to propose corrective action, and contribute to boosting quality and reducing defects at overseas enterprises manufacturing products from Japanese makers. We provide response from Japan via Internet and fax, offering explanations that are easy to understand, even for nonspecialists.

From replenishment of consumable parts to mechanical problems, we welcome inquiries of all kinds.

What Sets Us Apart

Fast Response and Prompt Delivery

“Faster than anyone else” is our motto. When procuring parts at the time of a breakdown, especially, every moment counts. Delivery from Japan does have physical limits, but to enable products to get where they’re needed as quickly as possible, we respond to quote requests and other inquiries as rapidly as we can.

Support for Sure Problem Resolution

Suppose that communication with the manufacturer or vendor at the time of equipment breakdown does not go smoothly, and the problem remains uncorrected – in cases like these, what we do is to take action to identify the problem, such as by asking for photos of the affected area or measurements of specific sites, and take the needed action to arrange for replacement parts, giving you concrete explanations of our methods every step of the way. We provide support for quick restoration of operation.

Proposing Products to Help Boost Quality

Take the tapping (thread-cutting) process, for example. Not only is high precision demanded, but in many instances, tapping is needed at difficult-to-machine locations on products of complex shape. Because tapping is primarily the final process of product-making, fluctuations in tap service life or precision or occurrence of problems such as dulling can make an entire production lot defective, resulting in tremendous loss. Selecting equipment so as to eliminate such incidents is our forte.

Making Every Effort to Deliver Products from Any Manufacturer

We trade in products from a great number of manufacturers, large and small, but a growing occurrence in recent years is when the customer does some Internet research and requests a product from a manufacturer we do not yet carry. Our policy in such cases is to make every effort not to simply say no. Whether by obtaining the product from the manufacturer or suggesting an alternative item, we do all we can to find a way to meet your needs.

If You're Not Sure Who to Ask, Come to Us!

We do more than just take orders for tools. If you don’t know where to get equipment serviced, or if you have any other machine-related concerns, ask us first. We have a proven track record, for instance, in helping customers facing expensive manufacturer repairs to large components find a specialist service company that can save them money. If you have a problem, we might be able to find a solution for you through our supplier network.

